Monday, July 31, 2006

What We've Been Up To. . .

Okay so my last post was end of March and it's now the end of July. I've been busy!
EarthSpa has had a booth at the local Farmer's Market since the begining of May. Each Saturday I get up at 5:30 (on a Saturday!!) and by 8 AM I'm all set up for sales. I have my soaps, my lotions and wax scent chips. I also have aroma beads and tarts. So far it's been really fun! The market lasts 6 hours and we've had some rather hot days, triple digits at least twice.
That makes the people run for A/C but I still do well enough to pay the bills. The whole point is to get my products out there so when the market ends, people will buy from the website or by calling me direct. Hope it works! :)

On the soap front, I've made many many different soaps. We've added a line of Olive Oil soaps, Hemp soaps, and some Goat's Milk soaps. Our current best sellers are the Goat's Milk Oatmeal and Honey, Lilac Shea Soap, and Green Clover & Aloe Shea Soap. I sell out of those most every week. Need to start making two batches of those per week to stay caught up!

On others fronts, Tom and I are biking more and more. I finally got a new bike and it's even better than my husbands $1300 bike. I've had it 10 days and have 100+ miles and her. The first week we did a couple small 12-18 mile rides and a 27 mile run. This week we have done a couple 18 miles and did 36 miles last night. I'm having trouble walking today. I eye the stairs in my house and then send one of my kids up the stairs to get whatever I need. I need some pain meds, I think. Or another soak in my hot tub . . . or both.

Until next time!


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