Sunday, January 22, 2006

What a weekend!

I live in Denver. This weekend is huge for Denver with the Bronco playing for the AFC Championship. Everywhere you look: ORANGE and BLUE.

Here are some pictures of the newest and coolest stuff from EarthSpa.

Here is the magic kitchen. I make all the stuff for EarthSpa right here.

This is what our packaging looks like:

Our newest scents are Heather and Hyacinth, Black Raspberry Vanilla, and Vanilla Bean.
We're also working hard on our new line of Bath Salts made with Sea Salt, Dendritic Salt, and Epsom Salt. Some will include Buttermilk, Goats Milk or Whole Milk for a more creamy bath.
Essential Oils are the only fragrance that will be used to keep the salts as natural as possible.
I should have them ready for sale by the end of the week. I'll get pictures up soon.

Go Broncos!!
Thanks for Stopping by,


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